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Illness of a Pet

The illness of a pet can be one of the most painful traumas we face. Oftentimes, people who don’t own pets or who don’t see them as a member of the family really don’t understand how difficult this experience is.  

We may be allowed time off from work to care for our children and to see to their health needs, but it’s common to hear people say that they are getting resistance at work for any time off for vet appointments or to care for a sick pet. For some people, it’s ridiculous to even make the comparison between our kids and our pets, and for others its absolutely ridiculous not to. For some of us our pets are our kids.  

Often pets are loved so much that the trauma of their illness can be incapacitating, especially if there are difficult decisions to be made regarding their care. Vet expenses and treatment costs are often a significant source of trauma for pet owners. If the decision must be made between care for your animal companion and paying other bills that month it makes the illness even more traumatic.

If a pet is suffering their family is, too. Seeing an animal in pain is simply more than most of us can stand. The trauma relief video can help you manage your pet’s illness with less trauma and stress.

First, here is one way to reduce your pet’s trauma. Place your right hand at the front of their head over their eyes and your left hand at the base of their skull in the back of their head and quietly in their ear say: “It happened, it’s over, and you are alright now.” Repeat the words until you sense they are relaxing, or for just a few minutes. Then let them rest. You can do this every day for your pet, if necessary.

While you’re using the above process to relieve your pet’s trauma, your trauma will be released with the glasses with the human trauma release program. For you, the release should only be done once every three days. 

  1. If your pet is in pain, your statement would be, “I release the energetic connection to and the feelings of trauma related to (your pet’s name) being sick (or hurt) and in pain and suffering.” Record your response in your journal.
  2. Make sure you only do one release every three days. If the expenses related to your pet’s treatment are a concern, your statement would be, “I release the energetic connection to and the feelings of trauma related to being forced to choose between care for (your pet’s name) and the money I need to pay bills.” Record your response in your journal.
  3. After three days, you can perform a release related to not feeling supported in your grief and fear over your pet’s illness. Your statement would be, “I release the energetic connection to and the feelings of trauma related to feeling invalidated and not supported in my grief and fear because (your pet’s name) is sick (or hurt).”  Record your response in your journal.
  4. After three days you can perform a release related to your fear that you will make a mistake choosing the right care for them or the fear that the care will not be successful and they will die. Your statement in would be, “I release the energetic connection to and the feelings of trauma related to my fear that I’ll make a mistake choosing the right care for (say your pet’s name) and (say your pet’s name) will get worse or die.” Record your response in your journal.

Choose the words that best describe your fears when you fill in the blank in your statement. Just be sure to only perform the release every three days on yourself.  

Even if the circumstances can’t be changed, your level of stress will be reduced and you will make better decisions with a clearer head. Being triggered by fear will not help you get through your pet’s illness, nor will it help you make the best decisions. This process can help prevent your brain from being triggered.

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