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Weight Loss & Eating Disorders

There are few things in life that stir up more feelings, fears, controversy, and frustration than the constant quest for a healthy weight.

We invite you to read TIME’s concise special edition magazine, The Science of Weight Loss to get the most current thoughts on what works and why. We also strongly urge you to research this subject and reach your own conclusions. We will simply provide the words for helpful releases that will support you as you implement changes.


First, know that this is a common problem. More than 70 percent of adults are overweight or obese and nearly 40 percent are clinically obese. Weight loss is a $72 billion dollar industry for a reason. But we don’t trust much when it comes to weight loss solutions. Over the years there have been many diet fads, misinformation, diet supplements and even diet prescriptions. Most were useless, a waste of money, and some were ultimately detrimental to our health. 

Our weight is directly tied to the state of our health. Being overweight contributes more to preventable early deaths than smoking. It also often impacts our self-esteem and self-confidence. Sometimes, concern about our weight is so all-consuming that it becomes the sole factor in dictating our feelings of self-worth. For many, skinny equals good, fat equals bad — period.

For example, one client who is independent, talented, brilliant, beautiful, funny, a leader in her field, loved by her family and friends, and successful in every aspect of her life — except her weight — tortured herself over her inability to control her weight. When we pointed out that everyone has flaws, she immediately countered that everyone can clearly see hers. She felt judged for her weight the second many people first met her, and she didn’t think she’d ever overcome that negative first impression — no matter how talented, brilliant, and funny she is.

Being overweight is often perceived as a self-control issue, and one that is judged as an indication of a lack of willpower or laziness. It’s seen as a major flaw, a failure to get a grip on what we’re putting in our mouth.

As the TIME research mentioned above indicates, that may not be the case. There are many reasons for excess weight gain that have nothing to do with willpower. Here we will suggest a number of releases that may address underlying reasons for weight gain and the inability to shed the pounds (and keep them off).

These releases are all based on scientific research and/or years of experience working with clients who are struggling with this issue. You can perform all these releases or just the ones you think may pertain to you, but you should only do one every three days. Please give your body and your brain time to adjust before you complete the next statement.

This is where writing in your journal comes in — in fact, it is critical. You may recognize events, patterns, trauma, and beliefs that are standing in your way. When they come up, write them down and perform your next release to address the issues you identified. 

Oftentimes, trauma associated with being overweight is unconscious and subconscious. When you read the following statements, please recognize that some of these may not make sense to your rational mind, but they unconsciously influence your view of yourself and the issue of excess weight gain. 

Your statement would be, I release the energetic connection to and the trauma related to…:

  1. “…my body fighting to get the fat back every time I lose weight and the feeling I’m being judged by everyone, including myself, because I’m overweight.”
  2. “…my body’s need to turn my calories into fat instead of energy and any opposition to me reducing my weight now.”
  3. “…my sleep deprivation and exhaustion and all the ways it adds to my body’s habit of turning my calories into fat cells.”
  4. “…all the ways the stress and anxiety in my life causes my body to convert calories into fat instead of energy and my feelings of hopelessness and helplessness because I am not the weight I want to be now.”
  5. “…my depression and stress over my weight, and the feeling I will always be fat, and there is nothing I can do about it, and I might as well eat anything I want because it all turns to fat anyway.” 
  6. “…my body’s resting metabolism slowing down, and all the ways my body fears food scarcity when I try to reduce my weight and converts more calories into fat.”
  7. “…my body’s need to sabotage efforts I make to reduce my weight because it thinks I’m starving.”
  8. “…any exposure to chemicals that may be imitating hormones and interfering with my endocrine system and driving my body’s need for fat storage.”
  9. “…any genetics that dictate that I must be overweight and any food cravings that keep me eating the wrong foods, or too much food.”
  10.  “…my stress, depression, and anxiety causing me to WANT to eat and NEED to eat. My feeling that I’m being judged all the time because I’m overweight.”
  11.  “…any opposition to me being optimistic, enthusiastic, and positive about my ability to reduce my weight and keep the pounds off.”
  12.  “…any opposition to me wanting to eat a good breakfast and exercising at least a little bit every day.”
  13.  “…any opposition to me reducing my screen time (including TV) and wanting to exercise instead.”
  14.  “…any opposition to me believing that my self-worth and my self-esteem are no longer determined by the number I see when I get on the scale.”
  15.  “…any opposition to me being successful in reducing my weight and keeping my body at the weight that makes me feel happy and comfortable.”

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