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Flu, Coronavirus, Covid-19, Quarantine

When the world is facing a pandemic viral outbreak and very uncertain economic consequences, it can be a scary time. Some people may become paralyzed with fear while others may go about their lives as if nothing is happening. For some of the most vulnerable members of society, flu season alone is a time for fear because many people die from the flu every year. Now, facing the pandemic Coronavirus has made this fear exponentially worse for many. 

You may feel all the fears discussed below, but remember to spread out your releases, performing them only every three days. Pick the one that worries you the most and start there.

Here are some releases we suggest:

  1. If you fear germs, being exposed, and catching the virus, your statement would be, “I release the energetic connection to and the feelings of trauma related to my fear of germs, being exposed to germs when I touch things, the fear of touching my face, and my fear I’m going to catch the virus, especially if I have to go to work, to the store, or out in public.” Record your response in your journal.
  2. You may also be afraid of getting sick and being around sick people, or getting someone else sick. Your statement would be, “I release the energetic connection to and the feelings of trauma related to my fear I will get sick or someone will get sick around me and I’ll catch it from them.” Or the opposite may be true: “I release the energetic connection to and the feelings of trauma related to me getting other people sick, bringing it home to my family, and having to tell all the people around me that I’ve exposed them.Record your response in your journal.
  3. For some, their biggest fear is being expected to take care of others who are sick. If this is the case, your statement would be, “I release the energetic connection to and the feelings of trauma related to people around me getting sick and me having to take care of them and my fear I’ll catch the virus from them while I’m taking care of them.”Record your response in your journal.
  4. There are those who fear being alone more than they fear anything else. Quarantine may mean isolation at home, with no one to be with them or take care of them. This is especially true for the elderly. Many of them already live alone, and further isolation due to quarantine may make it hard for them to get well. There is evidence that social isolation can decrease the chances of a person recovering and getting well. Your statement would be, “I release the energetic connection to and the feelings of trauma related to being forced to stay alone, and not having anyone to help me no matter how sick I get, and knowing I can’t leave my house or have anyone come to be with me.”Record your response in your journal.
  5. Your fear could also be of suffering and dying, especially dying alone, uncared for. When under quarantine, this prevents even the most loyal and loving friends and family from being with you. The news coverage has not helped to alleviate this fear. If this is the case, your statement would be, “I release the energetic connection to and the feelings of trauma related to my fear of suffering and dying alone with no one to help or comfort me.”Record your response in your journal. 
  6. The thought of someone we love dying may also be at the top of the list of fears. For this release to be effective, you must be specific about who you are afraid for. Use specific names, or “my kids,” “my husband,” “my wife,” “my mom,” “my dad,” “my parents,” “my friend (name),” or “my teacher (name).” Focus on them, especially the sound of their voice. Your statement would be, “I release the energetic connection to and the feelings of trauma related to my fear that (name) will die because of this.” Let the fear and the grief come up and then repeat the same sentence again.Record your response in your journal.
  7. Being forced to be in a hospital is difficult for most people, but for some, the experience can be terrifying. They may fear they will catch something worse, that mistakes will be made in their care, that no one will come when they call, or may have a fear of the facility itself. If this causes you anxiety, your statement would be, “I release the energetic connection to and the feelings of trauma related to having to go to the hospital and having to stay in a place where germs and diseases are, getting worse instead of better, and no one visiting when I need them.”Record your response in your journal.
  8.  All this trauma from the pandemic has resulted in significant fears about economic collapse and money. I’ll list the most common ones and you can feel free to say the words that cause a fear-based feeling in you. Your statement would be, “I release the energetic connection to and the feelings of trauma related to my fear about money, including a full economic collapse, getting laid off, not being able to work because I’m sick or quarantined, not being able to stock up on food, not having enough food, not having enough money to pay for my medical care, letting my family down because I can’t support them, or being penniless and homeless by the time this is over.” Record your response in your journal.

No matter how COVID-19 plays out in your life, you can use the VR process to manage your fears. You can use the above statements every three days and choose what is the most difficult thing for you at that moment. Stress and fear usually only make a situation worse, and these responses will only impede your ability to cope and recover.

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