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You can use the Trauma Relief process to decrease your emotional reaction to any disease you may have. When beginning the release process, you should focus on the earliest stages (like many other traumas).

  1. Your first session should focus on the day you were diagnosed. Try to recall the sound of the voices you heard, or visualize the written document that confirmed your diagnosis. Focus on your feelings of fear, dread, disappointment, and the stress related to the unknown. Say to yourself, “I release the energetic connection to and the feelings of the trauma related to everything that led up to me having and being diagnosed with (the name of the disease).” Feel what it’s like to have this disease. Then breathe and complete the rest of the process. Record your response in your journal.
  2. Three days later, you can release all the physical and emotional responses to the disease. In the second step, say to yourself, “I release the energetic connection to and the feelings of the trauma related to everything that led up to my pain, and the fear, anger, and the physical and emotional incapacitation I experience because of this disease.” Feel what it’s like to have the stress and pain related to this disease, and all the ways the disease inhibits your life. Then breathe as you complete the process. Record your response in your journal.
  3. Three days later, you can release all the ways the disease affects you and your family in negative ways. Make a list of the most significant negative impacts. For example, you may say, “I release the energetic connection to and the feelings of the trauma related to all the ways my disease causes stress and fear in my family, financial difficulties, problems with my job, and holds me back from leading the life I want.” Focus on how it’s hurt the people who love you, and how you and your family have had to change your lives because of the effects of this disease. Make sure you include your feelings of dread and grief. Then breathe as you complete the rest of the process. Record your response in your journal.
  4. Three days later, you can release your fear of what the disease will do to you if it progresses or if your treatment plan does not work. The words you will use in this step are, “I release the energetic connection to and the feelings of the trauma related to my fear this disease will progress, or kill me, or I will become incapacitated and a burden to my family, and I will have more pain and suffering.” Focus on your fear of pain, suffering, incapacitation, becoming an invalid, and dying. Be honest about where your mind goes during this worst-case scenario worrying. Focus on those thoughts and feelings, then breathe as you finish the process. Record your response in your journal.

This release process will reduce your emotional reaction to your disease. When your emotional response is reduced you live with less stress. Stress makes disease worse and can inhibit your body’s natural ability to heal and accept and utilize treatments. You can manage your own emotional reaction to the disease you have, and this process gives you some power over how much the disease controls your life. Once you’ve completed these four steps, you can perform a release once a week to keep your fears, anger, frustration, pain, and stress at bay.

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